Deep Learning Tutorial with Keras and Tensorflow

Get the Materials

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Tentative Outline

Outline at a glance

  • Part I: Introduction

    • Intro to Deep Learning and ANN
      • Perceptron and MLP
    • naive pure-Python implementation

      • fast forward, sgd, backprop
    • Intro to Tensorflow

      • Model + SGD with Tensorflow
    • Introduction to Keras

      • Overview and main features
        • Keras Backend
        • Overview of the core layers
      • Multi-Layer Perceptron and Fully Connected
        • Examples with keras.models.Sequential and Dense
        • HandsOn: FC with keras
  • Part II: Supervised Learning and Convolutional Neural Nets

    • Intro: Focus on Image Classification

    • Intro to ConvNets

      • meaning of convolutional filters
        • examples from ImageNet
      • Visualising ConvNets
    • Advanced CNN

      • Dropout
      • MaxPooling
      • Batch Normalisation
    • HandsOn: MNIST Dataset

      • FC and MNIST
      • CNN and MNIST
    • Deep Convolutiona Neural Networks with Keras (ref: keras.applications)

      • VGG16
      • VGG19
      • ResNet50
    • Transfer Learning and FineTuning
    • Hyperparameters Optimisation
  • Part III: Unsupervised Learning

    • AutoEncoders and Embeddings
    • AutoEncoders and MNIST
      • word2vec and doc2vec (gensim) with keras.datasets
      • word2vec and CNN
  • Part IV: Recurrent Neural Networks

    • Recurrent Neural Network in Keras
      • SimpleRNN, LSTM, GRU
  • PartV: Additional Materials:

    • Quick tutorial on theano
    • Perceptron and Adaline (pure-python) implementations
    • MLP and MNIST (pure-python)
    • LSTM for Sentence Generation
    • Custom Layers in Keras
    • Multi modal Network Topologies with Keras


This tutorial requires the following packages:

(Optional but recommended):

The easiest way to get (most) these is to use an all-in-one installer such as Anaconda from Continuum. These are available for multiple architectures.

Python Version

I'm currently running this tutorial with Python 3 on Anaconda

In [1]:
!python --version

Python 3.5.2

Configure Keras with tensorflow

1) Create the keras.json (if it does not exist):

touch $HOME/.keras/keras.json

2) Copy the following content into the file:

    "epsilon": 1e-07,
    "backend": "tensorflow",
    "floatx": "float32",
    "image_data_format": "channels_last"

In [2]:
!cat ~/.keras/keras.json

	"epsilon": 1e-07,
	"backend": "tensorflow",
	"floatx": "float32",
	"image_data_format": "channels_last"

Test if everything is up&running

1. Check import

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn

In [4]:
import keras

Using TensorFlow backend.

2. Check installeded Versions

In [5]:
import numpy
print('numpy:', numpy.__version__)

import scipy
print('scipy:', scipy.__version__)

import matplotlib
print('matplotlib:', matplotlib.__version__)

import IPython
print('iPython:', IPython.__version__)

import sklearn
print('scikit-learn:', sklearn.__version__)

numpy: 1.11.1
scipy: 0.18.0
matplotlib: 1.5.2
iPython: 5.1.0
scikit-learn: 0.18

In [6]:
import keras
print('keras: ', keras.__version__)

# optional
import theano
print('Theano: ', theano.__version__)

import tensorflow as tf
print('Tensorflow: ', tf.__version__)

keras:  2.0.2
Theano:  0.9.0
Tensorflow:  1.0.1

If everything worked till down here, you're ready to start!